1·The impact of rainfall upon the surface water and groundwater resources of the desert is greatly influenced by landforms.
2·Also, in surface water, there is a weak acid, carbonic acid, not sulfuric acid, but carbonic acid that helps dissolve the rock.
3·And, since they were created underground and not from flowing surface water, not all these passageways have an opening to the outside world.
4·Within about a millimeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with water vapor.
5·Conversely, a pond with a stream flowing in one end and out the other, which dries up when the stream dries up, is clearly surface water dominated.
6·Recently, researchers have used data collected by monitoring surface water temperatures to improve the ability of a reef to recover from bleaching.
7·Because the surface of the water table is not flat but instead rises and falls with topography, groundwater is affected by gravity in the same fashion as surface water.
8·The latter two sources are limited to those few areas where surface water seeps down through underground faults or fractures to reach deep rocks heated by the recent activity of molten rock material.
9·Sunlight and surface water play no role. It's amazing!
10·So there must be surface water too — even if it is loaded with arsenic.
1·Within about a millimeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with water vapor.
2·The impact of rainfall upon the surface water and groundwater resources of the desert is greatly influenced by landforms.
3·Also, in surface water, there is a weak acid, carbonic acid, not sulfuric acid, but carbonic acid that helps dissolve the rock.
4·She makes her home in urban Ghana where, as she describes, "Any surface water is an open sewage stream."
5·In some places it is indeed replenished quite quickly if rain or surface water is available and the geological and soil conditions are favourable.